Privacy and the London Business Advisor
This page sets out how we handle personal data in the performance of our functions and how we protect the privacy of the individual whose data we process.
We collect personal data about business contacts, customers or staff of the firms we regulate, our staff or members of the public
We will only process personal data in a way that is fair and lawful. When we need to process personal data, we will take appropriate steps to keep it secure
We will respect the rights individuals have in relation to data we hold about them
Our mission is to promote the good of the people of the United Kingdom. For a number of the activities that we undertake to achieve our mission, we need to process personal data. This may include data that relates to our staff, to business contacts, to customer or staff of the firms we regulate, or to members of the public.
we recognise our privileged position in receiving this data. The LBA is committed to protecting the privacy of thee individuals whose data we process, and to meeting its responsibilities to process personal data in a way that is consistent with the principles set our in data protection laws.
The information on this page in intended to describe at a high level:
- the purposes for which we need to process personal data
- the types of personal data that we process for those purposes; and
- how we collect and use this data, and how we ensure, in doing so, that this meets the requirements set out in data protection laws.
Where we collect personal data directly from individuals, either through our website or elsewhere, we may provide additional privacy information that sets out in more detail how this information will be used.
Special category data
Data protection laws recognise certain types of information as being particularly sensitive. In some instances, as part of the functions described above we may need to process special category or criminal data about individuals. Where this is the case, we will only do so where we have identified this is necessary and where this for one of the reasons where data protection laws allow us to do so. We maintain policies and procedures to apply additional care to this data.
Emailing us
We monitor emails or other electronic communications with us, including any attachments these contain. We do this to meet the legitimate interests we have in ensuring the security of our networks and systems, for compliance and professional standards purposes, as well as in some instances where this is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority of the LBA.
When we share data
In some circumstances, we may need to share personal data with other organisations. This will, in some circumstances, involve sharing special category or criminal personal data. We will only share personal data with others when we are legally permitted to do so.
Changes to our privacy information
The LBA will update this page with important changes, or otherwise update specific privacy notices relevant to how we process your data. This page was last updated in January 2021.